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So what's the tea?

Nice to meet you, I'm Katherine Vandergriff, but most people call me Kat!

I was born in Chattanooga, Tennessee, grew up in Rio Rancho, New Mexico, and now based in Post Falls, Idaho (but soon to be Austin, Texas)!

I started photography my junior year of high school in 2018. I gained a solid majority of my photography education from my yearbook, photo, graphic design, & video classes in high school. 

Ironically, I joined yearbook to primarily be a writer yet fell in love with taking sports and theater photos. By 2019 I was taking my friends senior photos and entering my senior year myself.

In 2020 my senior year was cut short due to lockdowns -- this was when I decided I wanted to start a photography business (hint hint, I was bored)

I took a Cinema and Photography class in college to further my education in the field and to refine the basics.

I heavily networked with local models, businesses, and creatives throughout the end of 2020 to 2021. This became the birth of CoeursCollective; a collective of models, photographers, videographers, hair & makeup teams, clothing designers, jewelry vendors, graphic designers, and more working together in the Coeur D' Alene & Spokane area. This all started from an Instagram groupchat turned Discord. Then I started hosting Meetups for locals to work together.

By mid 2021 I started to define what my style was. Editorial, punchy, nostalgic, with a side of grungy moods. I started to meet with professionals from LA, New York, & beyond that are now locals to the CDA area. I experimented with runway, fashion, and creative portraits and loved it!

In October of 2021 I decided to release the CoeursCollective Magazine. This is a newspaper-style editorial zine featuring the variety of artists and small business owners of CDA and Spokane.

Reaching 2022, my goals changed and refined yet again! I was booking my first weddings in the summer while working closely with my partner whom is a videographer. This inspired me to get back in touch with couples, families, and lifestyle photos -- I forgot how much fun it can be to take in the candid moments.

By December 2022 I had released my second magazine, Philm Magazine. This is a magazine featuring what I love most; Film & Photography. 

Throughout 2023 I worked non-stop. I was booking some of the coolest shoots with some really awesome people. Meetups were a hit, and I've continued to meet more and more people to this day that are dear to me.

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A few things about me: 3rd round of Mario Kart style.

My Zodiac Signs: Taurus Sun, Aries Moon, Libra Rising

My Spotify Playlist: On Repeat

My Favorite Colors: Cherry red, chartreuse, neon blue, silver, and B&W

What I'm currently binging: Game of Thrones and (shamelessly) The Bachelor

Introvert or Extrovert? Ambivert!

Personality Type: INFJ

My biggest Influences: Music, Movies, Nostalgic film, & Pop Culture

If I could describe my style in a movie & song: Tron legacy meets Like a Movie by Labrinth


My Vision

In the wise words of singer MARINA "I am the observer, I'm a witness of life. I live in the space between the stars and the sky."

I believe as a photographer I am the epitome of an observer, and I lock those little moments of time for you to enjoy in the space between the stars and the sky ;)

Every person is different and your photos should be a reflection of that. My vision is to create something that can represent your true dynamic, your personality, and how you like to exist in this world. I like to try new things and step outside of the box.


"You don't have to be like everybody else, you don't have to fit into the norm, you are not here to conform."

Blurry Polaroids

Wanna see what we can do?

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